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Directories PR tinggi tanpa reciprocal
1 http://dir.yahoo.com/ 9
2 http://www.dmoz.org 9
3 http://www.stpt.com/ 8
4 http://www.lii.org/pub/htdocs/home.htm 8
5 http://yahooligans.yahoo.com/ 8
6 http://www.blogwise.com/ 8
7 http://www.open-site.org 8
8 http://www.bloggernity.com 7
9 http://www.podcastzoom.com/ 7
10 http://www.blogrankings.com 7
11 http://www.bloguniverse.com 7
12 http://www.femina.com 7
13 http://www.gogreece.com 7
14 http://www.lanic.utexas.edu 7
15 http://www.polishworld.com 7
16 http://www.nationaldirectory.com/ 7
17 http://www.sacentral.sa.gov.au/site/page.cfm 7
18 http://www.worldhot.com/ 7
19 http://www.123india.com/ 7
20 http://www.kinderstart.com 7
21 http://www.portal.eatonweb.com 7
22 http://businessweek.directorym.com 7
23 http://www.elib.org/ 7
24 http://www.ezilon.com/ 6
25 http://www.yourwebloghere.com 6
26 http://www.epooch.com/ 6
27 http://www.christiansunite.com/ 6
28 http://www.toronto1.biz/ 6
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30 http://www.canadianeh.com 6
31 http://www.aardvark.co.za 6
32 http://www.nzs.com/ 6
33 http://www.aigam.com 6
34 http://linkcentre.com 6
35 http://www.info-listings.com/ 6
36 http://www.zensearch.com/ 6
37 http://www.bluedir.com/ 6
38 http://www.imegamall.com/ 6
39 http://payvand.com/yp/ 6
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41 http://www.canlinks.net/ 6
42 http://www.albanywebsites.com 6
43 http://searchsight.com/ 6
44 http://www.siteranking.com/ 6
45 http://findingblog.com/ 6
46 http://link-ads.com/ 6
47 http://www.directoryforce.com/ 6
48 http://www.gimpsy.com 6
49 http://www.iguide.co.il/ 6
50 http://www.webworldindex.com 6
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53 http://www.americasbest.com/ 6
54 http://www.great-british-pages.co.uk/ 6
55 http://www.somuch.com/ 6
56 http://www.illumirate.com/ 5
57 http://www.christianlinks.com/ 5
58 http://www.click2directory.com 5
59 http://www.axelis.com/ 5
60 http://www.eurofind.biz 5
61 http://www.abilogic.com 5
62 http://www.gandalfdir.com/ 5
63 http://www.josh.nu 5
64 http://www.linketeria.com/ 5
65 http://www.londinium.com 5
66 http://www.jamjaa.com/ 5
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68 http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/eng/ 5
69 http://www.poddys.com/ 5
70 http://www.pedsters-planet.co.uk/ 5
71 http://directory.portalit.net/ 5
72 http://www.tsection.com/ 5
73 http://www.addurl-free.com/ 5
74 http://www.worldsbiggestdirectory.com/ 5
75 http://www.777media.com/ 5
76 http://www.buzznick.com/ 5
77 http://www.directory.ldmstudio.com 5
78 http://www.evenseek.com 5
79 http://www.forage.in 5
80 http://www.global-weblinks.com/ 5
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82 http://www.rdirectory.net 5
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162 http://www.findwhatwhere.info/ 4
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164 http://www.englandsportal.com 4
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166 http://www.floridadirectory.biz 4
167 http://www.friendlycanadian.com/search/ 4
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175 http://www.nintra.com/directory/index.pl 4
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184 http://www.simpledir.com/ 4
185 http://www.spheri.com/ 4
186 http://www.sgtsearch.com/ 4
187 http://www.ShopShootah.com 4
188 http://www.thames-valley-business.co.uk 4
189 http://www.thesearchbrain.co.uk 4
190 http://www.thelocalweb.net 4
191 http://www.wura.co.uk/ 4
192 http://www.uudir.com/ 4
193 http://www.UKbest50.co.uk 4
194 http://www.urlshack.com 4
195 http://www.velendi.com/ 4
196 http://www.web-central.info 4
197 http://www.worldwidedirectory.org/ 4
198 http://www.wholeworld.com 4
199 http://www.weblinkdirectory.net/ 4
200 http://www.wahlinks.com/ 4
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