Google Adsense Tutorial , How to use Google Adsense Preview Tool?

Google Adsense Tutorial
How to use Google Adsense Preview Tool?

AdSense Preview Tool allows you preview the ads that will show up in you page. It is of great help in avoiding unwanted ads, testing and optimizing content and setting ads format, color and placement.

Adsense Preview Tool came in June 2004, nearly an year after launching Adsense program. Its helps immensly in adsense optimisation in terms of setting adsense formats, colors etc. And this is an installable tool that shows up as a mouse right click option on the browser after being successfully installed.

The preview tool is available in all active AdSense languages. Installing the tool is easy, and only takes a few minutes. To install it, you'll need to add a registry file to your Windows system, by following the instructions below. Note that this tool will work only on IE 6.0 or Up.

To install Adsense Preview Tool

Right-click the link below and select Save Target As... Save the registry file (.reg) to your desktop.

AdSense Preview Tool
Double-click the file from your desktop. A confirmation window will appear - click Yes to continue. The registry update will self-install.
Restart Internet Explorer by closing all open IE windows.

That's it! Clicking the right mouse button from any webpage will open your context menu - select Google AdSense Preview Tool from the menu to launch the preview tool. Please do not click from within the ad format itself, or relevant ads will not appear within the preview tool.

To uninstall:

Right-click the link below and select Save Target As... Save the registry file (.reg) to your desktop

AdSense Preview Tool Uninstaller
Double-click the file from your desktop. A confirmation window will appear - click Yes to continue. All preview tool files will be deleted from your system.
Restart Internet Explorer by closing all open IE windows.
You can delete the downloaded .reg file from your desktop.

If you'd prefer to manually uninstall the preview tool from your system, it's as simple as deleting the preview tool entry from your registry:

From your Start menu, select Run...
Type regedit into the text field and click OK. The Registry Editor window will open.
Browse to the following folder: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\
Within the MenuExt folder, right-click the Google AdSense Preview Tool folder and select Delete . Click Yes to confirm.
Close the Registry Editor and restart Internet Explorer by closing all open browser windows.

How do I use the preview tool?

To launch the preview tool, simply right-click on any webpage. From the menu that appears, select Google AdSense Preview Tool . The preview tool will open in a new window, and will display a sample set of ads for that page.

The Choose Options menu lets you select different ad formats and geo-targeted locations for the ads displayed within the preview tool.

The Choose Colors menu allows you to preview new colors. You can view your selections within the preview tool, or click Preview to temporarily apply the color selections to any existing standard ad unit on the current webpage. These changes are only intended to give you a preview of your selections - you will need to update your ad code with the new color palette to make permanent changes to your page.

Click on any ad that appears within the preview tool to visit the advertiser's site. Advertisers will not be charged for clicks on these ads, nor will impressions be counted. Likewise, you won't receive any earnings for clicks from within the preview tool. You can click on these ads without generating invalid clicks on your account.

Use the checkboxes next to each ad and click the Show Selected URLs link to show the URLs in a new window. You can then easily copy and paste the URLs into your account's competitive ad filter list to block any undesired ads

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